Wednesday, July 2, 2008

John Reeves - Genius

Just a quick note to proclaim my love for the work of a young English designer called John Reeves. His designs have already won a couple of awards, he has licensed his whole range to Heals of London (all British distribution is unfortunately through Heals), but anyone who knows Heals knows what amazing taste their buyers have, and will get a sense of how fabulous this young man is. He lives in Vietnam to oversee the factory.. and because he likes it there, and he is a really good person... how do i know this: a) because i met him briefly at the Las Vegas show in January, and b) because in his product catalog he publishes an ode to Love, and although the first few pages of the catalog show cute pictures of Japanese couples holding hands - the truth of this little free style poem is that its about self esteem, self acceptance and yes self love. To quote: "....Self Confidence is Love in real time..." This man is both smart and talented - now everyone rush out and buy his gorgeous furniture.